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A business enterprise

theideabridge.co.uk is an Interactive Business enterprise. The Interactive Business Enterprise Ltd. has provided online business solutions for national and international companies and now develops and runs their own online businesses as well as providing strategic concept consultancy. Invoices and contracts will be with them and the experienced personnel that work on those projects will be the same team that will be working with you.

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A win, win philosophy

My objective is to facilitate business so that all can collaborate for mutual benefit, whether this means paying commission on referral or connections, finding suppliers to provide product for our own business ideas or sharing risks on start up to help your business get off the ground - our emphasis for eveerything is on the long term benefit for all involved not just short term profit for ourselves. In that way everybody wins.
Andy Shillito MD, The Interactive Business Enterprise Ltd
and creator of theideabridge.co.uk.

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Work with,
not for...

Any business created on the ideabridge will have our continued direct involvement because our costs are covered by commission on sale so if your successful, we're successful. Quarterly meetings are included as part of this set up and we'll help you assess what is and more importantly, what isn't working with your buisness and advise on any possible additional development or promotion to enhance your site. 

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Professional value

Your project is inclusive of a marketing strategy but we can provide discounted help from our valued professional team and we will also include a 10% discount for all ideabridge customers on additional marketing sites launching later this year. 

Need more info?

Visit FAQ or complete the form below.


www.theideabridge.co.uk is an
Interactive Business enterprise.
If you'd like to be kept informed of offers or new services available just enter your email address and we'll keep you in the loop.
Concepts & strategies © The Interactive Business Enterprise Ltd. 2001-2020.